Book Your Free Intro Session
29 Feb, 2020



People who are successful all have one thing in common… they are consistent! Consistency is the key to success. Consistency leads to habits and then habits mould the actions we take each day.

So, if you want to achieve your Crossfit goals, or any fitness/ weightloss related goals for that matter, you must be consistent. People can be impatient when it comes to exercise and don’t give their fitness plans enough time. 

Luckily with Crossfit, it’s easier to create a habit and be consistent because all the workouts are planned for you. That means you know that when you turn up, you don’t have to spend any time thinking about what you’re supposed to be doing!

To help keep you more motivated and dedicated to your fitness goals, find yourself a  workout partner or come and join a partner workout at Crossfit Pendle. This way you are held accountable for and more likely to go if you know someone else is relying on you too! The coaches at a Crossfit gym also keep you motivated, much like a PT session, and help keep you focused.

Being consistent with nutrition is a big factor if your goal is to transform your body in some way, whether that be loose weight, fat or build muscle. This is where the biggest inconsistency lies with some because they are good for a few days or even a few weeks and then completely blow it and go off track…sound familiar?

Instead, try to go with a nutrition plan that you will feel comfortable following most of the time, basically, don’t be too extreme! Restricting yourself too much will only have you craving foods that will set you back. All in moderation as they say!

Planning and prepping your meals will keep you consistent. Try and get yourself into the habit of preparing your meals ahead of time, this will stop you from making excuses and stopping off at the shop to pick up something out of convenience.


Being consistent can take time, especially finding a routine that is suitable for you and your lifestyle, and can be difficult at first. The thing is, if you stick to it, it will become a habit and part of your daily routine. 

Want to see how Crossfit can help you become consistent and support your health and fitness goals? Come along to our next FREE introductory session… https://www.crossfitpendle.com/free-intro-session


Give CrossFit a Free Workout

Whatever your fitness goals, you’ll take a step closer with every class. It all starts with your free zero-pressure intro session, with no obligation to join up. Book now to start your journey